Friday, September 4, 2009

The Offer

Last episode, Rusty was introduced to The Justice Co-Op and some of it's members. This week, Rusty finally gets a chance to learn about the "employment piece" of the Justice Co-Op.
[Thanks to Rockets for her most excellent tittie bar suggestion.]
If you missed any episodes, you can find them under, "Previous Adventures" on the right.

[click images to enlarge]


  1. Shoulda taken the Tittie Bar job!

  2. This is my favorite web comic! I too was hoping she'd take the titty bar gig lol

  3. I'm a dumbass, Rockets. In my first draft I included a thanks for giving me the idea for the tittie bar. And then when I posted the blog I winged the intro and forgot. I just added it.
